Do you want to find perfect topics for feminists? This is the place for you. Our help will ensure that you write a top-quality essay. Find feminist topics to discuss and research topics here.

Some believe all feminists are hostile to men. This is a false assumption! Feminists can be any person of any gender who believes they are socially or politically equal. Women’s rights all over the globe are improving because of their accomplishments.

This article is for you if you are interested in contributing to the discussion. These are the words of our custom-writing experts:
Topics for creative feminism in your paper
These tips will help you select the best topic.

Let’s get started!

Top 10 Feminism Essay Topics
– The 4 waves in feminism
– Liberal vs. Radical Feminism
– What’s feminist psychology?
– The Feminist Views on Trans Rights
– Why Ecofeminism is Important
– How have feminism and culture changed?
– Feminism and socialism interaction
– The social effects of liberal feminist feminism
– The impact of the Civil Rights Movement on Feminism
– The main advocates of feminist viewpoint theory

How to choose a topic in feministism

It is crucial to choose the right topic for your assignment. These tips can be a great starting point.
Form your topic into a question. This will enable you to determine the subject of your essay.

– Compile a keyword list. Once you have an idea of the topic you are interested in, you can start to think about related keywords and phrases. If we have a topic of interest in “Feminism and America”, then some keywords might be: Fifteenth Amendment for women, Fifteenth Amendment for men, birth control. These keywords can be used for research.

A concept map is a useful tool for organizing your ideas. In the middle, place your interest area (e.g. women empowerment). Connect all concepts that are related to it with lines.

Avoid overused topics. Although it might seem tempting to write on popular topics, it is not always the best idea. Can you give a different perspective? You can only answer yes to these topics.

Ensure that you have sufficient information. Yes, it sounds great to write an essay on women’s roles in Tongan culture 17th century. It might be difficult to find reliable sources for this topic. These topics can be referenced if you are writing a dissertation or thesis.

Top 10 Women’s Rights Topics
Gender biases in driving
– Education for girls in Afghanistan
– The rights of women in Syria’s politics
– Land ownership rights for women
– The US overincarcerates women
– Women refugees are at risk of being resettled
– In conservative countries, abortion rights
– HIV/AIDS and reproductive rights for women
– Women’s rights are being violated by honor killings
Access to cervical carcinoma prevention for women from color

Ten areas for study in the field of feminism
Gender equality vs. gender equity
– The negative effects of child marital relationships

Metoo Movement’s Impact on Society

– Environmental Crisis as a Feminist Issue
– Women’s education is vital
– Is equality of gender a social justice issue or not?
– Teen pregnancy is dangerous
– What can be done to reduce gender biases in the workplace?
– Ethics in artificial reproductive technology
– The legacy and achievements of the women’s right to vote movement

Topics on the History of Women’s Rights
American women’s rights history is long and filled with struggles. Even though the US has achieved equality, it is far from complete. Even worse, many countries in the developing world are facing similar challenges. This section is dedicated to feminist activists and movements that have paved the way.
– Women’s role in the American first settlements.
– Why were women not allowed to serve combat roles in the US Army until 2013?
– What was the Seneca Falls Convention like?
– Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Women’s Suffrage in America.
Discuss the impact Sojourner Truth’s Is This a Woman? speech.
Explore Gender Equality in 20th Century Britain.
– Track the events leading to the 19th amendement.
– Was the invention of the Pill a significant step in equal rights’ struggle?
– Amelia Earhart’s legacy
– What is the purpose of The Bitch Manifesto?
– A history of American women’s politics.
– The role and contribution of women to the Civil Rights Movement.
– How did Comstock Laws impact the fight for women’s rights in the United States?
– Ruth Bader Ginsburg, the American woman who fought against discrimination against women in America.
What did the introduction Islamic law do to improve the rights of women in Arabia?
Artemisia Gentileschi: Forerunner of Feminism.
– A major US political party named 2016 the first female president. Why was it so slow?
Discover the history of European witch trials.
– What was Molly Dewson’s success?
– The history behind women’s right in Russia and England.
– How did WWI shape the fight to equal rights?
– What were its goals?
– The Equal Pay Act’s effects.
– Explore the history of women’s rights in relation to their health.
What date did American women first have the right to possess property? It was important.
– Debatt about the role played by women in theater history.
– Russia was the first European country to allow women to vote in the past. Domestic violence was made illegal in Russia in 2016. Why did this happen?
– Women in work: The long road to equal opportunities
Minna Canth: The history of Finnish women’s rights activism.
Who were the “Famous Five”?
– What made Japan so much quicker than other European countries to pass equality laws?
– Women writers’ visibility in the 19th Century.
– What were the problems faced by the National Organization for Women?
Discuss the impact and foundation of the Redstockings. They reflected the attitudes of women at the time towards liberation.
– Who/what was responsible?
– Women’s roles in Ancient Greek Communities
Alice Paul and The Silent Sentinels: How did they contribute in establishing the right of women to vote?
– Was Betty Friedan’s The Feminine Mystique essential to the growth of feminism over the past century?
Victoria Woodhull is running for the presidency
– What was Hull House’s purpose? How did it promote women’s equality?
– Elizabeth Cady Stanton opposed the Fifteenth Amendment.
– Lucy Stone’s influence over the abolitionist/women’s rights movements.
Discuss the importance of literature in the American suffragist movement’s success.
– Slavery: Compare the narratives of men and women.
– Frances Ellen Watkins Harper’s poetry and speeches changed the world.
Emmeline pankhurst, central figure of UK’s suffragette Movement.
– What is the reason it took for the suffragette movements all over the world to gain momentum?
– Historical perspective: Why wasn’t the equality of women’s rights and human rights recognized by the United States?
– Find out the evolution of women’s liberation in Morocco.
Investigate how women’s days were founded.

Research on Feminism
Feminism has become a worldwide phenomenon. It’s no surprise that this term has so many definitions. What should you consider when discussing sexism What can be done about it? What is the importance of the concept gender? These are the fundamental questions that feminists from all walks of the planet seek to answer. Feminism can be studied in three areas: sociology (politics), and economics (economics).
Compare feminist issues worldwide.
What is the difference between radical feminists and liberal feminists?
Black feminism: Is it an independent movement?
When is “being a gentleman” considered sexist?
– Is Feminism Always Anti-Racism?
– What are the gender concepts we need?
– Feminism and Islamic Countries
– What are the effects of gender stereotypes on children?
– How can societies across the globe struggle to achieve equality?
– The impact of gender-oriented policies
– Are men feminists possible? (Take Chimamanda Nagozi Adichie’s The We Should All Become Feminists as an example)
– How did patriarchy evolve?
– Is a patriarchal society peacefulr than a matriarchal one? Take real-life examples as a guide.
Compare and contrast Alice Schwarzer and Judith Butler
– Provocative methods are effective in feminism.
Unisex bathrooms at bars and restaurants are a problem.
– Talk about the prejudices faced by transgender individuals. What can be done to address it?
– Why is equality possible when reproductive rights are so important?
Describe the different types of feministism.
– Can hairstyles be used to make a political statement about your politics?
– What are the most popular Asian feminist movements?
– Discover the history behind feminism.
– What is the “pink taxes” and why should they be abolished?
Discuss Audre Ladye’s Feminism.
– How can feminist research methods influence education?
– Why is advertising sexism so problematic?
– What are Girls Who Code’s goals?
– The role literacy politics plays in gender equality.
– The feminist agenda is reversing the position of stay-at-home moms
Discover the history behind color-coding pink (for girls) and blue (for boys).
– Can beauty pageants harm women’s body image?
– The Problem of Ableism in Intersectional Feminist Movements.
Identity politics: What does it mean and what is its importance?
Jacinda Adern, New Zealand’s Prime Minister, introduced her cabinet recently. There are 20 members of it: eight women, five Maoris, three Pasifika (minority), and three queers.
Are future cabinets supposed to strive for this?
– Why is racism considered a feminist issue
Describe objectification and its dangers.
– A history for women inventors who were not given credit for their inventions.
Female circumcision, a cultural practice disguised as oppression of women.
– The origins of and the effects of infantilization.
– Define the influence of feminism on science.
How do you avoid gender bias while raising children?
– What myths surround feminism?
– Gender inequalities and politics in India and Iran
– What does ecofeminism mean? Define its strengths.
– How does feminism benefit men?
– Why does language need to be gender equal?
– Reconciliation problems between the LGBT community and religion
Fitness clubs are increasingly offering “women’s hours.” Some bars only allow women. They claim this is to create safe areas. How do you feel about this development?
– Antifeminism: Is it a far-right movement?

– metoo’s impact on workplace culture

Topics in Feminist Theory to Explore
Feminist theory critiques the culture that perpetuates misogyny. It is best to view it in three waves.
– First wave feminism (late 1700s-early 1900s). It also includes the women’s right to vote movement.
– Second-wave feministism (from 1960s to ’70s. The main points are equality of working conditions as well as feminist political activism.
– Third-wave Feminism (1990s to today). It covers all marginalized people, not just women.

Our topics offer a feminist view of culture:
Discuss the concept feminism in Barbie Dolls with Marge Piercy.
– Explain Gillian Armstrong’s Little Women’s success.
– Mary Wollstonecraft’s A Vindication of the Rights of Women identifies the inequalities in men and women.
– William Somerset Maugham’s Of Human Bondage – Femininity and Masculinity
– A feminist view from Simone de Beauvoir.
– Women’s role in Chimamanda Adichie’s Americanah.
Discuss the power dynamics that men and woman have in Terminator.
– How does Rap Music perpetuate masculine concepts that have been around for centuries?
– Daisy in The Great Gatsby, viewed through a feminist perspective.
Write about the patriarchy and women in Mad Men.
What is the difference between the three waves of feminism?
– Susan Douglas’ Where the Girls Are.
– What goal is gynocriticism trying to achieve?
– Hulu’s A Handmaid’s Tale TV Show – There are many opportunities for sisterhood
– Sylvia Plath’s The Bell Jar – Esther Greenwood, where is she positioned in society?
– Virginia Woolf’s Room of One’s OWN: Feminist Perspectives
Compare and contrast Mulan’s female protagonists with their male counterparts.
– Life stages in Alfonso Cuaran’s Roma.
– What made feminists so upset about Prado’s Uninvited Guests exhibition?
– Society and sexuality in Celine Sicamma’s Portrait a Lady on fire
Gender expectations for The Little Mermaid.
– Netflix’s Thirteen Reasons Why: Feminist issues and concepts
– Thelma & Louise: Rebelling against traditional femininity.
Mad Max: Fury Road targets males. Furiosa is the film’s main character and a strong rebel women. Is it feminist?
Persepolis: What it means to be a liberal Iranian woman.
– Blockbuster films have a huge reach. Are they required to support feminist causes?
Marjorie Liu’s Monstress is a great example of feminism.
Berlin Film Festival announced that it would not be awarding the Berlin Film Festival’s best actress and actor. They will instead honor the best performance in a supporting or leading role. What are their consequences?
– What does criticizing an artwork from a feminist perspective entail?
Compare and contrast how women are depicted in horror movies across the years.
Analyze Donna Haraway’s Cyborg Manifesto. What is the purpose of the Cyborg metaphor? It helps to bring across what arguments?
– How does Toni Morrison’s Toni Morrison novels portray black women in society?
– Why are awards important for feminism?
– Analyze Katniss Everdeen archetype in Hunger Games.
– Some classic stories for children include outdated representations of people of color and women. Some people demand that they be banned or censored. Is this the best way to address the problem?
– What does “male gazing” actually mean and what is its significance?
– Feminist aesthetics: The body’s role
Discuss the impact on men of renown female philosophers.
What makes feminist art different from other forms of art?
– Discuss the political implications of women using body art to depict their bodies.
Lemonade: Is Beyonce now a feminist icon because she uses it to communicate her message?
– Why is misogynist music still accepted widely?
– How did Aretha’s music impact America’s Civil Rights Movement?
– Oscar Wilde’s The Picture of Dorian Gray in a queer theoretic perspective.
– Objectification on film: Analyzing Rachel in The Dark Knight.
Investigate Star Wars’ representation issue. What is the secret to Star Wars’ success as a battleground of diversity?
– Misogynists vs. Psycho: Feminist aspects of David Fincher’s Gone Girl.
– Was Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse a positive thing?
– Cultural significance of strong female characters
– Look at William Golding’s Lord of the Flies and the notion of femininity.

There are many topics related to women empowerment that you can write about
For a long time, women were not allowed to work in important areas like politics and the military. This is changing. Empowerment programs encourage females to pursue careers in areas that are traditionally male-dominated. Want to learn more about how women can control their choices? These are the topics you should be interested in:

Joan of Arc is a leader idol.
– She Should Run plays a role in encouraging women into running for political office.
What can we do to reduce the barriers to higher education for African American women?
– Check out current trends in women empowerment.
– Importance principle of women empowerment
– How can companies use the Gender Gap Analysis tool to promote equality within their company?
– What is the difference between corporate efforts for women’s empowerment and corporate commitments towards equality?
– How can business practices be changed to ensure that both men and women are able to benefit from the same work programs?
– Learn the causes of low body image in young females.
– How can digital payrolls and cash transitions be used to empower women in the developing world?
Large companies confronting gender equality challenges
How does fashion circularity impact women?
Discuss how everyone can empower women in their communities.
Fair pay is important –
Reese Witherspoon’s media firm Hello Sunshine has an impact on the world.
What does being empowered mean?
– The effects of climate change upon gender equality
– Women leaders: The myth and the fact.
HERproject Kenya – Family planning and social stigma
CARE: Women need clean water to empower themselves
How do I teach a girl how to make a positive difference?
Conferences that celebrate the achievements of global women
– How can Pro-Mujer assist Latin American women who are underprivileged?
What is it that women empowerment should be worried about?
– What can companies do to reduce the gender gap in financial participation?
– Debate how improving the social standing of women can combat discrimination against all groups marginalized.
– Examine the benefits of women empowerment.
– The 21st Century is the year of gender stereotypes.
– The correlation between a low number of women participating in politics and the lack support programs for marginalized groups.
– What patriarchal taboos prevent women seeking power?
How can businesses use a gender perspective to reduce the risk of climate change?

What are the methods used by WithHer to raise awareness on violence against women

– The Spotlight Initiative: Training Sex Workers to Escape Violence in Haiti.
– Define the digital gender gap.
– What’s wrong with AI assistants gendering women?
Critique the Gender Empowerment Act.
– How important is the internet in girls empowerment?
Compare the Gender Parity Index for South Africa and the United States.
How does Every Mother Counts work to reduce pregnancies-related deaths?
– Discuss the reliability of Gender Development Index.
– Child marriage: The impact of girls not brides
What political and socio-economic constraints are preventing women from achieving their full potential in Nigeria?
– How can women be encouraged to make public speeches?
– How does e-learning help women worldwide gain independence?
Explore the impact of the Women’s Rights Movement on Anti-Decrimination Activities
– Mauritius – Women entrepreneurs: Challenges
Labibah Hashim is an inspiring figure in women empowerment in Lebanon.
How did Malaka Saad’s magazine al-Jens al-Latif encourage women to learn Arabic in her magazine?
– East Africa’s development of policies against sexual harassment
– How can microfinance in South America assist women in starting businesses?

Some interesting topics in women’s studies for essays
Gender studies or women’s studies are an interdisciplinarious science.
This research combines many fields of study, including psychology and economics. Women’s experiences and the cultural and/or social constructs of gender are key components.
– What is velvetrope discrimination?
– IT is relatively modern. Why is the gender gap still so large in IT?
Is paid paternity/maternity leave a fundamental worker right?
How can we break the glass wall in our modern society?
– Discussing social taboos: postnatal depression.
– Women in Religion: Why shouldn’t they be priestesses?
– The queer and color critique: theory and history.
– Should feminists support policies that promote care?
– Does foreign aid benefit women entrepreneurship in Sub-Saharan Africa?
– Gender biases and criminal justice.
What does legalized prostitution mean for sexworkers?
– Is it possible to have consensual sexual relations without “stealthing”? Is this a legal issue?
– The Immortal life of Henrietta Lacks: Gendered analysis
Rojava: An overview of egalitarian feminist society.
– Women’s role in modern nation-building.
– How do transgender people be included in sex-segregated sports?
– Discuss the role of gender and euthanasia.
– Why is capital punishment and chivalry less common for women who have committed murders?
– Why is it that men are less confident in women’s abilities and men more in their own?
Hijabs are a symbol for oppression or freedom?
Write about the role of Feminism in International Relations
– Universal Basic Income: New Perspectives for Women
Gamergate: What does it reveal about the views of men on the videogame industry?
– Discussion on the social construction gender roles.
– What exactly is benevolent sexism, and how can it be a problem?
– Discrimination against LGBT persons seems to be a particularly prominent issue in the military. This could be from where?
– Many military officers are open about their desire to have women serve in the army. Why are women still doing it? Why shouldn’t they?
Conchita Wurst was given a massive audience by the Eurovision Song Contest. How did she make the most of this chance?
– Why is it stigmatized that men wear predominantly feminine clothing?
What have The Guerilla Girls done for the art industry over the last 30 years?
– Healthcare: What are the challenges for transgender patients?
– Feminine invisibility: Discrimination within the LGBT Community
– How did this idea of gay men and homosexual lesbians having to behave and appear a certain fashion in order to be deemed queer emerge?
– History of US sodomy laws
– “The Squad”, a case study of the current success of left-wing female politicians.
– Should women use the attractiveness of their bodies to achieve what they desire?
Are women scientists’ careers more affected or less by turmoil than their male counterparts in science?
– Are toys for children limiting gender criteria?
– Some drugs are only tested on men. What does this mean for women?
– List some characteristics that you consider positive or negative for women. What is the reason for this?
Discuss the significance of “Transgender Tipping Point”
– Over the centuries, what “home” means to women and how it is used in their homes.
– How does gender relations impact lawmaking?
Analyze queer narratives in post-soviet countries. What are the gender norms of these countries? How does it differ from your own community?
– Transgender representations in media: Viviane Namaste’s and Julia Serano’s views
– Nuclear power and politics: A feminist perspective.
– Women guards are in National Socialist Concentration Camps.
– What are the reasons women use sextourism?
– The Problem of Eurocentrism in European Education
Explore the connections between citizenship, race, and citizenship.

The Research on Abortion
Some people consider abortion a fundamental right in healthcare. Others see it as an offense. Many conservative governments restrict access to the procedure. The topic of abortion is still a controversial one all over the world. Take a look at these ideas.
Roev. Wade is a landmark case.
Discuss why CEOs are standing up for abortion bans.
– Intersex and transgender people can have an abortion.
– What is the beginning of life?
What are the signs that indicate it is too late for the termination of a pregnancy?
Who were the major influences on abortion debates before Roe V. Wade?
– Does abortion constitute a moral offense? Is abortion morally wrong? Does this mean that it is impermissible all the time?
What circumstances are justifiable to end a person’s life?
– What or who defines the right to life for a human being?
– Analyze the issue of abortion clinic access as a matter of policy.
– Sub-Saharan Africa: Reproductive rights and access to medical care
– Pregnancies can be ended, regardless of whether they are illegal. Why is abortion still illegal?
– Examine the incidence of forced abortions under China’s One-Child Policy.
– Does the fetus have a right to live? Is it more important for the mother to have control of her body?
– The right to life is more important than any other rights.
– Women’s health is an integral right.
– Should abortions be restricted?
How can we make abortions less common by making contraceptives more accessible?
– At which point does a foetus become human?
– Is selective abortion ethical?
Germany’s Paragraph 219a says that it is against the law to display information about abortion services. The government revised it in 2019, and patients can now access a list from the department for medical education. Is this enough compromise?
– What moral status does a human embryo have?
– Should abortions for women with low income be allowed?
– Is discrimination in abortion being criminalized?
– The socio-psychological impact of the termination of a pregnancy on families.
– Does the man have the right to decide if a woman gets an abortion?
– What persuasive non-religious arguments are available against abortion?
– What are the best and worst reasons to terminate a pregnancy?
– Should teenagers need to get parental consent?
– Explore the arguments in support of life.
– Compare how attitudes have changed in the 50 years since the birth of abortion.
– Is it against human rights to prevent access to abortions?
After weeks of strikes, Polish officials have delayed their proposed abortion ban. This is a victory for local feminist movements?
Compare and contrast legal abortion methods.
Judith Jarvis Thomson – Analyze a Defense of Abortion
– What are the views of Eastern and Western countries on abortion?
– Explain the health risks associated with late-term termination of pregnancy.
– What can be done to prevent unsafe abortions?
What complications could arise during an abortion?
Discuss the impact of March for Life.
Discuss with your doctor whether a woman should have an abortion if they find fetal abnormalities.
Planned Parenthood – What do they do? Why is this important?
– Should the Helms Amendment Be Repudiated?
– How will the Hyde Amendment affect women of color?
– Is it morally acceptable to force a woman into an unintended pregnancy?
Mexican newspapers covering abortion issues.
– What health risks could an abortion pose?
SisterSong’s history and stance on reproductive justice and women from color
Compare the information provided by different organizations.
Jason Reitman’s Juno – How does the film approach abortion?

Domestic Violence Topics for Paper
Domestic violence comes as many forms, and not all of it is directed at women. It causes trauma to the victim and the entire family. Long-term consequences can be catastrophic for victims. This topic is a good subject for research papers.
– How did COVID-19 lockdowns impact domestic violence cases?
– Domestic Violence in Closed Religious Communities
Is the abuse different depending on whether the perpetrator is male or female?
Compare the problems of spousal abuse in America, Asia, and Africa.
– How come so many victims do not report domestic violence cases?
Psychological perspective: Why is abuse so common?
– Parental communication is essential in preventing domestic violence
What should a parent do if their child has suffered abuse in the past?
– Why is violence more common in men than it is in women?
Identify elder abuse risk factors
– Find out how domestic violence reporting has changed over the last 30 years in your locality.
– What makes some victims choose stay with their abusive partner?
– What are your definitions of domestic abuse?
– Bell Hooks’ Theory on Domestic Violence and Feminism.
– Cultural perspectives of domestic violence: Saudi Arabia and Japan
– What are the views of different religions on IPV?
What legal consequences are there for victims who kill their abusers to escape violence?
Examine the legislation of various states on marital and sexual rape.
– The legal and social concept that consent is required for marriage.
– Domestic Violence and Integrity among Women of Color
– Teenage relationships are abused.
– Psychological characteristics that are common to parricide victims.
– Emotional neglect and the effects on mental development of a child.
– Discussion on the effectiveness art therapy for domestic violence victims.
– The significance Oregon V. Rideout.
Investigate the relationship between animal abuse and spousal abuse.
– What is Battered Woman Syndrome?
– Analyze domestic violence through case studies.
Learn more about victim blaming psychology.
How does domestic violence and mental illness interact?
What are the signs coercive pressure? What are the signs of coercive control?
– The Problem of Control in Gay Relationships
What is Stockholm Syndrome?
– Analyze and discuss domestic violence in Hong Kong.
– The pseudofamily, a sociological idea.
Compare domestic violence cases in religious and military families.
– What is compassionate Homicide? How can the law treat it?
Is it possible to reduce a juvenile’s sentence if they were abused as children?
– Parental Abduction: Why do parents feel the need for their children to be kidnapped?
– Domestic Violence: New Solutions
Do sibling abuses of each other constitute domestic abuse?
How are communities usually responding to domestic violence?
– Learn more about the relationship between suicide and abuse in women’s lives.
– What can healthcare professionals do to help victims of violence be identified more efficiently?
What are the socioeconomic and financial consequences of breaking up with an abusive partner?
How does Netflix’s You depict the relationship between a stalker/victim?
– Domestic violence perpetrators are treated.
– How come some people end up with IPV repeatedly?
– What is the motivation behind femicide?
Discuss the psychological aggression women and men experience during separation.

All these brilliant ideas will allow you to succeed with your assignment. You’re welcome!


  • niamhhenderson

    Niamh Henderson is a 36-year-old educational blogger and volunteer who loves working with young people. She has been a tutor for almost 10 years and has also worked with young people in the voluntary sector for many years. Niamh has a keen interest in education and loves sharing her knowledge and experiences with others.