Feminism means women empowerment in an oppressed society that has suffered from patriarchy since its inception. Recent years have seen feminism being criticized for its male-bashing, which demonstrates how women are more equal than men.

Below are some facts and arguments to help you have a discussion with your group about Feminism.

These facts about Feminism can be used in a General Discussion:

– Feminism demolishes the age-old belief of a father founding society and that he is the head family.
– The old male succession ritual was dispelled by Queen Elizabeth’s succession on the English throne.
Globally, 1 in 3 women has been raped.
38% of women killed are their partners. 130 million women have been forced to undergo female genital surgery.
Sexual harassment has been reported in Egypt at 99.3% of women.
– In 10 countries, women are required by law to follow their husbands. Only 57 countries have laws against domestic violence.
Women hold only 24% of senior management positions. Women make up 14% of the active US military personnel.
Saudi Arabian women are prohibited from driving. This law currently is under challenge.

Discussion Topics for Groups on Feminism

1. Feminism is now male bashing.
2. Feminism means equality for women and men.
3. Modern society has made Feminism obsolete.
4. Is it right for feminists to be angry and aggressive?
5. Man can also be a feminist – For or against?
6. Gender equality can be lost.
7. Women are often oppressed in areas that are underprivileged or uninformed.
8. Feminism has sexist implications for men.
9. Because other women permit oppression, women are often oppressed.
10. Feminists won’t fight to have equal rights. They will fight for greater rights.
11. What are some of today’s issues for feminists?
12. Feminism shouldn’t be used to win favors.
13. Jane Austen was considered the greatest feminist of all time.
14. Is feminism empowering women?
15. Feminism goes beyond the issue of woman and man.

Here are some quotes that you can use in group discussions on Feminism

Feminism isn’t about girls power. It’s about equal power.”
Whitney Wolfe is a successful entrepreneur.

“Feminism” is a retaliation against social practices and thoughts that keep men and woman in unhealthy gender roles.
– Robet Webb

The Pros and Cons of Feminism

1. Equal wages: It is good to demand equal wages for equal work. In many industries, women get paid less than men.
2. Discrimination – It’s commonplace to prefer male candidates for promotions and higher positions.
3. Self-love. Respect: For many years, women were treated as inferiors and degraded.
4. Raising one another: This is a great way for feminism to be expressed.
5. Equals are essential. Men and women should be treated equally. They do not have to live in a shattering marriage thinking that there is nowhere for them.

Disadvantages of Feminism:
1. Superiority: While it was important to get over the inferiority complex that women face in patriarchal societies, it is equally important that women claim they are superior than men.
2. False accusations: The alarmingly large number of false accusations filed against men who have not been convicted, all in the name feminism support
3. Competition: Now that men and women are competing to show that they can earn the same, it is time for women to start raising families and caring for their children.
4. Sharing responsibilities
5. Victimizing men is all too common. When their partner is looking to be empowered at home, men are being made to do unto them.

In conclusion,
Feminism should not be a movement that ridicules other genders.

We hope this GD Guide on Feminism helps you to make informed arguments for your placement and entrance exams.


  • niamhhenderson

    Niamh Henderson is a 36-year-old educational blogger and volunteer who loves working with young people. She has been a tutor for almost 10 years and has also worked with young people in the voluntary sector for many years. Niamh has a keen interest in education and loves sharing her knowledge and experiences with others.